Fuck Hollywood, fuck 'em today
Fuck the million dollar movies with nothing to say
Fuck the Sixties, fuck Oliver Stone
Fuck Rambo and Sylvester Stallone
Fuck Jane Fonda and Shirley MacLaine
Wish they were fucking John Wayne
Fuck Capt. Stubing and fuck tattoo
And if you don't like this song then...fuck you!

 Fuck, fuck Hollywood
 Fuck, fuck Hollywood
 Fuck, fuck Hollywood

Fuck Sonny Bono and Buttfuck Cher
Someone hit Geraldo with another chair
Fuck Michael Jackson and child molesters
Fuck Rock Hudson and Schwartzenegger
Fuck the actors at the presidential ball
Fuck Oprah and Arsenio Hall
Fuck the Beach Boys those stupid pricks
They sing about girls when they're sucking dick

 Fuck, fuck Hollywood
 Fuck, fuck Hollywood
 Fuck, fuck Hollywood

Fuck Hollywood, warped sense of reality
Where the truth is always the first casualty
Fuck the causes and the coalitions
The excercises they get is jumping to conclusions
Fuck the sex, fuck the smut
Fuck the guys who take it up the butt
Fuck hollywood 'cause they make me sick
It's like sticking my head in a bucket of shit